Wednesday, June 6, 2012


I don't get on here as often as I should.  Not feeling mad today, just dark. My mind goes to places no mind should ever go.  I don't even know if I can explain it.  I feel...empty. There is a black hole inside myself. It's growing, and it consumes everything in it's path. How do I get out of this place?

I actually googled "suicide" last night and came across a site that had actual suicide notes. You would think that by reading them I would gain some perspective, but I didn't.

I really have nothing to talk about

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy St. Druken Day!

It's St. Patrick's day. The only holiday that promotes drunken behavior. Now this is a holiday I can support. I'm Irish, about 25%, I have reddish hair and I love to drink. Yep, that's a good enough reason. What is St.Patrick's day celebrating anyway?  Who was St.Patrick? 

If you're waiting for a history lesson, don't hold your breath. I have no fraking idea, so this is my guess of what St.Patrick's day is all about. *Warning!* this is my opinion and not based in fact. This is a rant, not freaking Wikipedia...cripes.

Anyway...Ireland was a land of nature loving people. The druids, Celtic magic, all that happy stuff. So someone, probably the pope at the time...*Warning* I am NOT Catholic, so if you are and are easily offended..what the hell are you doing here in the first place? Jeez,can I continue? Thank you.  So the Pope says to Patrick (He wasn't a saint yet) .."Hey Pat! See that little island over there? No, that's England....over more...No that's Iceland, you went too far, bring it back....and....there! Yea, that's Ireland. They're a bunch of heathens, go make them Catholic"  So Pat hops on a boat and goes to Ireland.  Now when he lands, the Irish folk welcome him with open arms. You see, Ireland is a magical place with four leaf clovers,  rainbows and pots of gold, leprechauns and potato fields as far as the eye can see. But Pat knows that this will simply not do, so he teaches them about Jesus and the love of Christians. Well, the druids don't want to give up the old religion, so Pat starts burning Leprechauns. Just grabbing them up and throwing them on the fire. Of course the Irish are devastated and promise to convert if he stops this killing spree. Pat agrees, the island becomes Catholic, the church makes him a saint and that's the reason you never see leprechauns. They are an endangered species and are afraid of humans. Those Bastards!

So now you know.....only you don't cause I made it up.

So drink your green beer and bask in the drunken glow of oblivion.

I really could care less.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Ok, I have gone from mad to down right pissed! Since no one reads this anyway I am going to let you all have it!
Listen bitches, if you can't stop being "friends" with your kids and start being parents, I am going to come and find you and personally kick your ass. Yea, you heard me. and yes I AM talking to you.  Your kid is an asshole, let me count the ways:

1. you bail them out of EVERY situation instead of having them face consequences. If you let them fall once in a while without you running to them, picking them up and kissing their backsides, then maybe I wouldn't be afraid for the future of this country.
2. You care what they think.  Simple. Your kids have WAAAYY too many opinions. You know what my kids think? That I am one dirty sock on the floor from a full metal jacket mental breakdown. I'm not really, that's why I take meds, but THEY don't know that. Living in fear is healthy. Not the psycho, beat your kids cause you are a wasteoid druggy or alcoholic kind of fear. Good fear, that if you slam that bedroom door I am going to take it off the hinges. Doors are a privilege. You know where I learned that? My dad. You see, I was a smart-ass kid, I know, shocker. I was in trouble all the time. If there was a curfew, I was breaking it. I used to get grounded from wearing my favorite clothes because my grades weren't good. That was healthy fear. As a kid I thought my parents were crazy, but as a parent I now know that I made them that way.
3. YOU ARE THE BOSS! NOT THEM.  You would think this is obvious and my husband tries to let them get away with this. If I do something and my husband says "Uh oh...Rosemary's Baby(daughter #2) isn't gonna like that.." You know what I say? "I'm sorry, does it look like I GIVE A SHIT!!" cause guess what, I don't. You don't have to like it. Do what you like when you are older and you have your own kids to boss around.
4. You're kids are disgusting. I am around pre-pubescent ALL DAY LONG! They are perverted, gross, they smell and they are rude. Yes there all some exceptions. (The kids I worked with last year were no where near this bad) but then there are the ones that come at you and make the stabbing pain in your head intensify by 1000.

Ok, I know that I am losing you, if you are actually reading this.....

Teach your kids to be the type of person you enjoy being around.

Remember, if your kids are assholes, there's a 99% chance you're an asshole too.

I'm going to have a beer.

Here endeth the lesson

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Life Truly Sucks

Can I just say that I am not loving life right now? Yea, you're shocked....bite me. It's my blog and I'll bitch if I want to. 
Life sucks and here's why...1. People - people make life suck. I hate people, I hate their sucky attitudes and their holier than thou attitudes. Yes, I know, my attitude sucks. I keep my suckiness to myself and act wonderful and happy to the world. I don't owe you an explanation. I may not have mentioned this...bite me.
2. Life ends - This is the part that really sucks. Some people never get this part. Life is short, why are you wasting it? You spend the majority of the time wanting what other people have or wishing people ill.

I am sick of all this death and good people dying leaving other good people miserable and sad. I know, death is a part of life, but why do the good ones die and the nasty bits live on to cause more grief and agony.  I have had a couple who I am very good friends with, each lose a parent within 3 days of each other. Each are an only child and therefore have had to deal with this all alone. As a friend I am limited with what I can do for them.  I am there, physically, at the funeral home and the funeral, but other than that I am helpless. It makes me sad that I am unable to do more.

I don't want to talk about this anymore.....

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Holiday madness

I can't believe that I have gone almost a whole year without posting. Not that anyone reads this. I guess this is my own, anonymous if you will, rant. 

I hate the holidays, and I don't mean like the cute little Grinch when his heart grew 3 sizes, I mean hate like the Grinch when he was stealing toys and pissing people off. Only the Grinch didn't piss off those Whoo's, they were happy anyway. Someone broke into their house, stole their toys and tree and they were happy because they knew the true meaning of Christmas.  Bullshit. They were too stupid to realize that some green hairy freak broke in and stole their damn roast beast!

I hate the holidays for the following reasons:
        1. They try to start the holiday season before we even get through Halloween! I don't want to look at tinsel, I hate tinsel, and hear Christmas music in October! One freaking holiday at a time!
         2. Black Friday used to be the day that you went out and bought that toaster you didn't need for $2. I don't care if there are 2 settings, light and burnt, it was 2 freaking bucks! Now Black Friday is waiting in line for 10 hours to get into a store that only had one of that item. And who the frak gets into a fist fight over a TV?  People are DYING! They are getting trampled to DEATH over the possibility of getting a computer for $500 instead of $600. I hate people.
          3. Christmas has nothing to do with the birth of Jesus anymore. I'm not going to start the Sheldon Cooper debate about Jesus being born in the summer or the Christmas being placed around the winter solstice (which is true, but not for this rant).  These days Christmas is about being rude, spending more than you can afford and generally being pissants for 2 1/2 months!

Now I know that these are all petty things and you're gonna say, but what about your kids? I don't ruin it for them. I try to make it fun but they know I am a Grinch, Scrooge, whatever. The main reason I don't like the holiday is this, my grandmother, the nice one, died 5 days before Christmas. She was sick, cancer in her neck, and swore she would be dead before Christmas. She was living with my mom and dad, my dad being an only  child and wanting to take care of her. She had outlived 2 husbands and was tired. My mom did everything she could to hide it from her that Christmas was coming. We talked about it quite a bit. She finally said that she needed to decorate, it was a week away. I told her to go ahead. She was putting some stuff out and grandma said "Why are you decorating for Christmas so early?" Mom told her that it was a week away and Grandma said "Oh my gosh, I said I'd be dead by Christmas!" She died the next day.. Christmas without Grandma has never been the same. I think of her always but I miss her the most at Christmas. I cry when I see that she will never know my girls, who she would have loved with all her heart. It's impossible to fill that whole.

Now I've gone all sappy.  Shit.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Work! UGH....

I haven't written in a while. I hate to say it, but I haven't been too mad. Well that all changed.

Work....I know, work is hard, boring, not fun. Not true. I like my job, most days. I work with kids and enjoy being around them.  I do have an issue. When did kids start to feel like the world belongs to them? That they can act anyway they want. There are no manners anymore. Kids feel entitled. Like we are here to serve them. Um....excuse me? I did not spend the first 20 years of my life struggling with chores, responsibilities and limits only to have my freedom and be put in my place by a kid! 

You have to earn respect. No one gets that anymore. They think they can act like an ass and bellow "I deserve respect!"  It doesn't work that way.

Here's a lesson: you are a slug. A low, dragging in the slime, afraid of salt slug. You cannot slither into my house and demand respect. Why do you get respect? What have you done. Ok, maybe among slugs you are the top dog, so to speak, but way.  Back up and let me tell you how it is. You show me that you are responsible, kind, have some sort of human qualities and maybe, MAYBE, I will think about it.

I don't have to respect you, you're a kid. You have to respect me...why you ask? Because I am an adult, I have a job to do and part of my job is helping you keep your nose clean. You may not like it, but I don't care. If I don't teach you now that you are a kid, yes you have a voice and opinions but there is a way to do things, when are you ever going to learn. Barking in my face is not one of ways to express yourself. You are in for a rude awaking. Someday you will have a job and you will have a boss. If you talk to your boss the way you talk to your parents or teachers or any adult, you are in store for an eye opening experience. Let me introduce you to your little friend, it's called the pink slip. You will be fired, and this doesn't mean a vacation. You don't work, you can't pay your bills, you can't pay your bills, you don't have any stuff and that includes the electricity to play your Xbox or PS3 or whatever is out at the time.

Learn it now. Learn it fast, while you have the opportunity. When you are an adult and act like this, it will be too late.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Should you be on tv? (are you an asshole?)

The Real Housewives of DC started last night. I refuse to watch it. Why you ask? (you asked, be quiet) Because I have too much crazy in my life as it is. When you watch reality shows, it's not like a weekly comedy, you dive into the lives of these people. You are sucked in like a swirling vortex of garbage. Personally, I think people should undergo intense psychological testing before even thinking about being on reality TV. I think there should be a set of rules. If you answer yes to any of the following questions, away.

1.   Are you now or have ever been under the care of a psychiatrist or psychologist?
2.   Are you currently taking medication for any type of psychological disorder?
3.   Do people tell you that you SHOULD be on medication?
4.   Have you ever been called an asshole?

To me, number 4 is the most important one. I don't care who you are, everyone at some point in time has been called an asshole. Maybe not to their face, but it's happened.  If this is true, what conclusion can we get from this?  That no one should be on reality tv.  Thank you.

Also notice that I didn't ask if you thought you were an asshole. No one ever thinks they are, especially the assholes. My husband doesn't think he's an asshole, no matter how much I tell him he is. I'm trying to help him, seriously. The first step to fixing a problem is admitting you have one. I am trying to open his eyes.  But I think it's funny when I call him an asshole (in the helpful, kind way) and his response is "Successful asshole". Now I know what he's trying to say. He's saying "You may think that, but I am a successful person. I own a business, I'm responsible. So who cares, I am a successful person."  Not to be outwitted (that will NEVER happen), I respond with "Yes, you are very successful at being an asshole." This brings him back to reality.  Oh and to clarify, I'm not an asshole, I'm a bitch. There is a big difference. But that's another post.

So back to my point.

Don't get me wrong, I love reality tv, those New Jersey Housewives suck me in every Monday and Hell's Kitchen, I mean who wouldn't want to be called a donkey on national television. . But at what cost? There is always someone on those shows who is...well, for lack of a better word...crazy. You know who I mean. This woman on a popular show, is so far from reality that I really think that she is an alien. Besides looking like one, she acts like she is supreme ruler of her world. Kind of like Yertle the Turtle..I'm Yertle the Turtle, oh marvelous me! For I am the ruler of all that I see.   Dr. really?  ok....

The bad part about reality shows, and I use that term loosely, is that the reason people shouldn't be on these shows is the exact reason producers pick these people. Crazy makes good TV. But when does crazy go too far? I would think when children are involved in the show. We shouldn't glamorize nut jobs who are lucky if they can change their underwear. When I see a ranting mother talking to her kids like they are a shrink, with no regard for their feelings, I want to jump through the TV and throttle her.  Am I rambling?  I am, so what.

Do you have a show that makes you mad. Not the "love to hate" kind of show, a show that just pisses you off.

Leave a comment, or don't, who cares.

The Mad Woman